Results for 'Biagio Giuseppe Muscherà'

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  1.  7
    Ontologia del desiderio in Pietro Prini.Biagio Giuseppe Muscherà - 2005 - Genova: Marietti 1820.
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  2. Pensare e vivere la pace.Biagio Bonardi & Giuseppe Piumatti - 2003 - Studium 99 (6):981-986.
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    Giuseppe Lazzati: la politica per l'uomo.Biagio Bonardi - 1996 - Fossano [Italy]: Editrice Esperienze.
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    Relational Quantum Mechanics is About Facts, Not States: A Reply to Pienaar and Brukner.Andrea Di Biagio & Carlo Rovelli - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (3):1-21.
    In recent works, Časlav Brukner and Jacques Pienaar have raised interesting objections to the relational interpretation of quantum mechanics. We answer these objections in detail and show that, far from questioning the viability of the interpretation, they sharpen and clarify it.
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    From Psychology to Phenomenology: Franz Brentano's 'Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint' and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind.Biagio G. Tassone - 2012 - Houndmills, Basingstroke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Biagio Tassone's study From Psychology to Phenomenology offers an in depth exploration of Brentano's seminal work as an example of a still relevant approach to philosophy of mind.
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  6. As slippery as an eel"? : comparative law and polijural systems.Biagio Andò - 2015 - In Vernon V. Palmer, Muḥammad Yaḥyá Maṭar & Anna Koppel, Mixed legal systems, east and west. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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  7. Davide figura di cristo in alcuni testi delle enarrationes in psalmos di Agostino d'ippona.Biagio Aprile - 2012 - Miscellanea Francescana 112 (3-4):347-363.
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  8. Le Settimane Sociali nell'arco del Novecento: Un laboratorio per il futuro.Biagio Bonardi & Giovanni Quaglia - 2007 - Studium 103 (6):921-944.
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    Introduzione enciclopedica alle scienze giuridiche e sociali nel sistema della giurisprudenza.Biagio Brugi - 1907 - Milano,: Società editirice libraria.
    Excerpt from Introduzione Enciclopedica Alle Scienze Giuridiche e Sociali Nel Sistema della Giurisprudenza In un' libro elementare, come questo, la esposizione deve essere piuttosto dogmatica, la bibliografia ridotta al puro necessario. Volli esser conciso anche perch' l'1nsegnante pu completare con la viva parola, lo studente con la riflessione ci che appositamente fu omesso. Un libro di testo che non fa In alcun modo pensare lo studente e snervante; nella universit dobbiamo sopratutto aver cura che egli si abitui a pensare e (...)
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  10. L'Equità e il Diritto Positivo.Biagio Brugi - 1923 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 3:451-455.
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  11. La questiones de anima.Biagio Pelacani - 1974 - Firenze,: L.S. Olschki. Edited by Federici-Vescovini, Graziella & [From Old Catalog].
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    Graziano e le mura insanguinate di Lione.Biagio Santorelli - 2017 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 161 (2):319-328.
    Journal Name: Philologus Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Existentialism and Ecstasy: Colin Wilson’s Phenomenological Account of Peak Experiences.Biagio Gerard Tassone - 2019 - PhaenEx 13 (1):46-85.
    This paper critically examines the philosophical foundations of Colin Wilson’s New Existentialism. I will show how Wilson’s writings promoted a phenomenological strategy for understanding states of ecstatic affirmation within so-called ‘peak experiences’. Wilson subsequently attempted to use the life affirming insights bestowed by peak states to establish an ontological ground for values to serve as a foundation for his New Existentialism. Because of its psychological focus however, I argue that Wilson’s New Existentialism contains an ambivalent framework for establishing ontological categories, (...)
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    Franz Brentano's Phenomenological Transformation of Aristotle's Theory of Judgment.Biagio G. Tassone - 2011 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 42 (3):305-328.
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    L'enigma uomo.Biagio Vaglio - 2003 - Roccastrada: Il mio amico.
    On man, from the religious to the scientific aspects, and the salient characteristics which distinguish him from other animals, with a description of the passage which has consolidated the author's own religious faith.
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    Stable Facts, Relative Facts.Carlo Rovelli & Andrea Di Biagio - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (1):1-13.
    Facts happen at every interaction, but they are not absolute: they are relative to the systems involved in the interaction. Stable facts are those whose relativity can effectively be ignored. In this work, we describe how stable facts emerge in a world of relative facts and discuss their respective roles in connecting quantum theory and the world. The distinction between relative and stable facts resolves the difficulties pointed out by the no-go theorem of Frauchiger and Renner, and is consistent with (...)
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  17.  44
    On the consistency of relative facts.Eric G. Cavalcanti, Andrea Di Biagio & Carlo Rovelli - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (4):1-7.
    Lawrence et al. have presented an argument purporting to show that “relative facts do not exist” and, consequently, “Relational Quantum Mechanics is incompatible with quantum mechanics”. The argument is based on a GHZ-like contradiction between constraints satisfied by measurement outcomes in an extended Wigner’s friend scenario. Here we present a strengthened version of the argument, and show why, contrary to the claim by Lawrence et al., these arguments do not contradict the consistency of a theory of relative facts. Rather, considering (...)
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  18.  21
    Uno stile per l’Eneide.Gian Biagio Conte - 2022 - Hermes 150 (3):351.
    In the Aeneid, Virgil sets out to achieve a new sublime style, paradoxically steeped in the common parlance. He aims for the spontaneity of everyday language to win readers’ involvement, while elaborating a discourse both expressively taut and stylistically marked, that avoids a register too colloquial or prosaic. Above all, he tirelessly deploys an array of subtle strategies – below the threshold of perception – that defamiliarize language in order to elevate its style. The present paper furnishes a selection of (...)
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  19. Giuseppe O. Longo.Giuseppe Longo - 2001 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 19 (2):71-81.
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    (A.A.) Raschieri Lettura degli autori e insegnamento retorico. Ricerche intorno a Quintiliano e alla retorica antica. Pp. 216. Canterano: Aracne, 2020. Paper, €12. ISBN: 978-88-255-3527-3. [REVIEW]Biagio Santorelli - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):245-245.
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    Juvenal and anxiety - (c.) nappa making men ridiculous. Juvenal and the anxieties of the individual. Pp. XII + 224. Ann Arbor: University of michigan press, 2018. Cased, us$75. Isbn: 978-0-472-13066-5. [REVIEW]Biagio Santorelli - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (2):472-473.
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    Juvenal's satires and the context of Rome. Larmour the arena of satire. Juvenal's search for Rome. Pp. XII + 356, ills. Norman: University of oklahoma press, 2016. Cased, us$34.95. Isbn: 978-0-8061-5156-4. [REVIEW]Biagio Santorelli - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (1):111-113.
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    Bob Sandmeyer, Husserl’s Constitutive Phenomenology, Its Problem and Promise: Routledge, New York, 2009 , 244 + xviii pp, Including: Notes, Bibliography and Appendixes, US $ 95.00, ISBN10: 0-415-99122-6. [REVIEW]Biagio G. Tassone - 2011 - Husserl Studies 27 (2):167-172.
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    Denis Fisette and Guillaume Fréchette , Themes From Brentano, Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie, Gegründet von Rudolf Haller Herausgegeben von Mauro Antonelli, Vol. XLIV, Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2013, 530 pp., US$ 130 , ISBN. [REVIEW]Biagio G. Tassone - 2015 - Dialectica 69 (2):231-248.
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    Review: Rockmore, In Kant's Wake: Philosophy in the Twentieth Century. [REVIEW]Biagio Tassone - 2008 - Dialogue 47 (1):184-.
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    Michael Huemer, Approaching Infinity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, xiv + 268, US$100 , ISBN 978‐1‐137‐56085‐8. [REVIEW]Biagio Gerard Tassone - 2017 - Dialectica 71 (2):312-322.
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    On the Philosophy of Mind. [REVIEW]Biagio G. Tassone - 2009 - Teaching Philosophy 32 (1):102-105.
  28.  21
    Verifica di un pregiudizio scettico.Gian Biagio Conte - 2023 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 167 (1):46-64.
    The author returns to a much debated topic, the so-called “Episode of Helen”, which has come to us only through indirect transmission, and endeavors to dismantle the prejudice against Virgilian authorship. G. P. Goold’s pugnacious intervention, dating back to more than half a century ago, contributed decisively – in fact, more than it should have – to the thesis that the text is spurious. A critical analysis of the text will demonstrate this claim to be groundless while offering arguments that (...)
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  29. Creation of on-line courses using existing E-learning objects.Marco Alfano, Biagio Lenzitti & Natalia Visalli - 2006 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 39 (1/2):23.
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    Beyond Greek: The Beginnings of Latin Literature by Denis Feeney.Gian Biagio Conte - 2016 - American Journal of Philology 137 (4):733-736.
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    Le porte del sonno. Su Aen. 6, 893–98.Gian Biagio Conte - 2019 - Hermes 147 (2):252.
    The note argues that Aen. 6, 893-896 should be read as a direct speech pronounced by Anchises. The proposal is put forward on the basis of a thorough new analysis of the context and of internal evidence from Vergil: a simple change in voice places many alleged inconsistencies in a different perspective and brings decisive new arguments in support of the MS tradition of some crucial passages.
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    Petronius, Sat. 141.4.Gian Biagio Conte - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (02):529-.
    These are the very last words of Eumolpus' testament. The editors all print them thus, but I suspect a hidden corruption in devoverint. The text may seem to have an acceptable meaning, but only on a superficial reading inattentive to the whole context. A certain exegetical discomfort becomes noticeable if the translations are compared: Ernout renders ‘maudire mon âme’, Ehlers in Müller's second and third editions translates ‘sie meinen letzten Atemzug herbeiwünschten’ , and Cesareo- Terzaghi's edition prefers to render with (...)
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    La filosofia della rivoluzione. Gramsci, la cultura e la guerra europea di Michele Maggi.Girolamo Cotroneo, Biagio De Giovanni & David D. Roberts - 2009 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 22 (2):453-464.
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    Comment.Claudio Crisci & Biagio Arnone - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (3):403-403.
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    Old patients: unethical thoughts.Claudio Crisci & Biagio Arnone - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (6):837-838.
  36.  5
    Divenire della ragione moderna: Cartesio, Spinoza, Vico.Biagio De Giovanni - 1981 - Napoli: Liguori. Edited by Roberto Esposito & Giuseppe Zarone.
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    Disputa sul divenire: Gentile e Severino.Biagio De Giovanni - 2013 - Napoli: Editoriale scientifica.
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    Figure di apocalisse: la potenza del negativo nella storia d'Europa.Biagio De Giovanni - 2022 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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    Filosofia e diritto in Francesco D'Andrea.Biagio De Giovanni - 1958 - Milano,: Giuffrè.
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    Giordano Bruno, Giambattista Vico e la filosofia meridionale.Biagio De Giovanni - 2023 - Napoli: Editoriale scientifica lettere.
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    Hegel e il tempo storico della società borghese.Biagio De Giovanni - 1970 - Bari,: De Donato.
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    Libertà e vitalità: Benedetto Croce e la crisi della coscienza europea.Biagio De Giovanni - 2018 - Bologna: Società editrice Il mulino.
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    La filosofia e l'Europa moderna.Biagio De Giovanni - 2004 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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    Politica e filosofia.Biagio De Giovanni - 1997 - Rivista di Filosofia 88 (1):59-78.
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  45. Qué significa hoy pensar la politica?Biagio de Giovanni - 1990 - In Giuseppe Duso & Martha Rivero, Pensar la política. México: UNAM.
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    Editorial: Developing Lifestyle Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Destinations.Alvaro Dias, Biagio Simonetti & Fiona Eva Bakas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Luigi Pareyson, fede e ricerca filosofica.Biagio Di Iasio - 2017 - Manfredonia (FG): Andrea Pacilli editore.
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    Simone Weil: un pensiero accogliente.Biagio Di Iasio - 2014 - Bari: Levante editori.
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    Teilhard de Chardin, ovvero, La realtà dell'utopia.Biagio Di Iasio - 1992 - Bari: Levante.
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    Questiones super tractatus logice magistri Petri Hispani.Biagio Pelacani da Parma - 2001 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by J. Biard & Graziella Federici-Vescovini.
    "Ces "questiones" sont particulièrement reprèsentatives de la logique italienne au XIVe siècle.
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